Bellevue Hill Public School is a place where opportunities are created for all students to strive for academic excellence, gain a love of learning and develop the fundamental skills and dispositions they will need for success beyond school.
We believe in educating the whole child, celebrating diversity, identity and responsibility in every student every day in a safe and supportive environment. As a public school, we aim to ignite the potential of every student using inquiry-based learning which engages students in a rich and varied curriculum.
The Bellevue Hill school community is committed to the development of future focused learning to develop the critical and creative thinking skills of students within innovative learning environments, that challenge teachers to excite, engage and support students’ learning.
In addition, the community aspires to develop students who are digitally responsible and environmentally aware citizens. We aim to continually improve through innovation to meet the needs of all learners using evaluation and measuring the impact of teaching. Collaboration and communication build strong partnerships which provide opportunities for students to engage in authentic learning experiences.
Individual thinking is valued, visible and actively promoted to challenge students to use their minds well to respond thoughtfully, ethically and with action to personal, community and global challenges.
Suzanne Bennett, Principal