We have a variety of musical instruction available to students at Bellevue Hill Public School. Over the past few years the BHPS music program has grown exponentially and we have been able to put more on offer each year.
Students will be able to select from the following instruments as part of our band program: Clarinet, Flute, Trumpet, Saxophone, Drums, Baritone (new), Trombone, Euphonium (new), French Horn (new) and Bassoon (new). Please fill out the school band form (PDF 100KB) and email it to info@themusicsuite or hand it in to the office.
From our string program students can chose from Guitar, Violin, Viola (new) and Cello. We will also be expanding our guitar program to include both a junior and senior ensemble and we will also be re-instating the Bellevue Hill string orchestra.
Lessons take place during school hours via The Music Suite.
Click here to view their latest information flyer.
Please contact Jennifer Barrett via email at info@themusicsuite.com.au for more information about lesson availability and fees.
Are you ready to join the BHPS music program for 2022?
Training band
Available from Year 3
– Thursdays 8-9am
Senior band
Available for advanced students from Year 4
– Wednesdays 8-9am
String ensemble
Invitation only - for students who have been playing a violin, viola or cello for more than a year
– Wednesdays 8-9am
Guitar ensemble
Invitation only - for guitar students only who have been playing for more than a year
– Thursdays 8-9am
To sign up please fill in the form here.
Piano tuition is available for students from Kindergarten to Year 6 through our Russian Language teacher Dr Irina Petrova, who has over 25 years teaching experience. She prepares students for piano grade examinations, concerts, and competitions. Interested students will be able to take 30 minute lessons within school hours, before and after school. Fill out the piano lesson form (PDF 131KB) and email it to bellevuehi-p.admin@det.nsw.edu.au and Dr Petrova will be in touch with you.
Recorder lessons are organised by Jenn during school hours. An email will be sent with information, if you would like your child to join the recorder program please email Jenn.