For the safety of students, please read the following:
Before school
The school day starts at 9:15am. The gates are opened at 8:45am and teachers are on duty from this time.
The back playground of the school is hired by the before and after school ‘Kids Club’, which is a private company. Our students, unless enrolled in Kids Club, must not use their space before 8:45am.
All students who arrive before 8:45am must wait under the covered outdoor learning area (COLA) or in the front playground until the Bellevue Hill Public School (BHPS) staff come on duty.
After school
School finishes at 3:15pm. All students, including Kindergarten from Term 2, must move to and sit down at either the COLA or 'go with the flow (GWTF) areas for pick up. Supervision of these areas finishes at 3:30pm, as teachers must report to afternoon meetings. The school gates are closed at 3:45pm and we ask that all students and parents exit before this time to allow the companies using our facilities to start their activities. The back playground is not an area where parents or students may wait or play after the 3:15pm bell, as from 3:15 this becomes the hired property of the ‘Kids Club’. Parents can enrol their students in this club if they wish to participate in the activities or furthermore we encourage parents to use the Bellevue Hill Park area to socialise after school hours.
GWTF is situated on the left-hand side of the main entrance ramp. Students sit on the curved ledge when they arrive, so they can see and hear when their car is called. Parent volunteers check car numbers and escort students to the cars on pick up. Please keep this area clear for ease of flow. All other parents and students should use the front and side pedestrian gates to exit.
This parents and citizens’ association (P&C) run initiative has improved our pick up and drop off substantially and we thank all the wonderful parents who volunteer their time. To be in GWTF, parents must commit to at least one day of volunteering. Please contact for more information, or to join the GWTF traffic committee.
Wet weather
Before school
All students arrive from 8:45am and wait under the COLA. A bell will sound and a phone announcement will be made at 9am to indicate all teachers and students to go straight to classrooms.
After school
‘Go with the flow - wet weather’ is held inside the foyer of the BASC (Kids Club) area. Students are to sit or stand quietly and listen for the GWTF numbers being called.
Our cooperation code
The students of Bellevue Hill Public School will:
Be safe
- be in the correct areas
- report any problems to teachers
- walk and play wisely.
- show respect to teachers and adults
- be considerate of peers
- show concern for the environment.
Responsible learners
- encourage others
- speak with honour and truth
- set and strive towards personal goals.