What is Special Religious Education/Special Education in Ethics?
Special Religious Education (SRE) or Special Education in Ethics (SEE) is the time set aside in public schools where parents can choose to have their children educated in the faith of their family and cultural background. The NSW Education Act (1990) allows for the local community to make this contribution to public education, via annually approved providers, responsible for developing age-appropriate lessons, training, and authorisation of teachers.

At Bellevue Hill Public School we currently offer the following options for Special Religious Education (SRE) and Special Education in Ethics (SEE):
- Anglican SRE is provided by Anglican Diocese of Sydney. To view the curriculum visit https://whysre.com.au/
- Catholic SRE is provided by Catholic Diocese of Sydney. To view the curriculum visit https://www.sydneycatholic.org/education/#scripture.
- Ethics studies - SEE is provided by Primary Ethics. To view the curriculum visit https://primaryethics.com.au/about-ethics-classes/our-curriculum/
- Jewish studies -Jewish SRE is provided by the NSW Board of Jewish Education. To view the curriculum visit https://bje.org.au/primary-school/learning-journey/sre/
- Orthodox SRE is provided by St George Rose Bay. For more information visit http://www.stgeorgerosebay.org.au/our-ministries/scripture-in-public-schools/
These classes are held weekly on a Friday for 30 minutes and are taught by approved volunteers from each organisation.
All SRE/SEE providers must be approved by the NSW Department of Education and follow an approved curriculum enabling students to learn more about and engage with their religion. Every provider must have a link to their curriculum scope and sequence on their website.
SRE and SEE teachers are encouraged to use a variety of teaching activities including writing, craft, small groups, class discussion, songs, drama, storytelling, games and new learning technologies.
If you would like your child to partake in the Ethics classes offered during SRE, please download, sign and email back the ethics permission form (PDF 424KB) to bellevuehi-p.admin@det.nsw.edu.au as parental permission is needed for students to join Ethics classes at BHPS.
Class Times Term 1 &4 | Class Times Term 2 &3 |
Year 1 - 9.45 - 10:15am | Year 5&6 - 9:30-10am |
Kindergarten - 10:15 - 10:45 | Year 3&4 - 10 - 10:30am |
Year 2 - 11:30-12pm | Year 1 - 10:30-11am |
Year 5&6 - 12 - 12:30pm | Year 2 11:30 - 12pm |
Year 3&4 - 12:30-1pm | Kindergarten 12 - 12:30 |